Spiritual Services

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Donate to Help and to Receive Help

Life is a matter of give and take. God asks us to donate as a contribution to advancing His divine creations. He gifted us with different qualities so we may exchamge our gifts and  he blessed us so we can bless others who are less fortunate.

We donate because God divinely ordains it, and faithfulness to this practice is a blessing to the giver and the receiver. It is an expression of faith and honesty.

Donation is the foundation of God/Christ’s work, and our participation makes it the most significant funding source to advance God’s divine plan.

List of Courses/Services

Attunements & Empowerments

Healing | $32+

Higherself  | $48+



Angels & Archangels

Angelcontact  | $37

Psychic Privacy Protection Master Teacher   | $37

Ethereal Garnet (Grounding)    | $37

Guardian Angel Reiki   | $37

Archangel Metatron  | $37

Angel Reiki

Colors of Angels

Lavender Flame of Quan Yin 

Fusion Reiki

Imara Reiki -

Buddha’s Bliss

Ahara Reiki Egyptian Energy Healing

Kundalini Reiki 1, 2, 3 (Kundalini Reiki Master)

Kundalini Reiki 4, 5, 6

Kundalini Reiki 7, 8, 9

CZ Card I’am an Invincible Adversary (The Good wins over evil!) 

CZ Card - Sorcery Rituals Clear & Remove

CZ Card - No one attacks me with impunity without danger of punishment or misfortune!

303 Initiations of Consciousness

 | $37


Esoteric  | $52+

Mystic  | $52+

Ascended Masters  | $52+

DNA - Etheric/Lightbody

Chakras  | $52+

Kandalini  | $52+

Ascended Masters  | $52+

Jesus - Psalms

Chakras  | $52+

Kandalini  | $52+

Ascended Masters  | $52+